About Us

This is who we are and where we put our energy and focus

Thank you for taking the time to read this, our vision that God has given us. We love our town of Kendal and we’re involved in some really exciting stuff as we join in God’s mission. We’re prayerfully seeking people who God is calling to make disciples, that make disciples, especially those who are gifted in leading worship or working with children and families. Is God stirring your heart to reach the lost and broken....if so please read on.


Our Vision

  • Reveal

    We’re focused on being a people who are Bible believing – His Word reveals all authority and is our manual for life. We learn about God’s character, and His purpose for our lives, God speaks to us through his Word which is a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119: 105) guiding us

  • Reach

    First, we must reach people who are far from God. Matthew 28:16-19 says to "Go!" and we are called to reach those who are lost and broken. No matter what background, class or age, lost people matter to God, therefore they matter to us!

  • Radiate

    It is our passion to be a people who radiate God’s love for the world as Jesus example teaches us; "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor..(Luke 4:17-18) We do this in word and action as we read in James 2

  • Reproduce

    We must then reproduce the mission in others. Matthew 28:16-19 also commands us to make disciples. This involves us being supportive, learning & developing together as a body of believers to know Jesus better through obedience


Our Values


    We seek every opportunity to grow, improve and multiply by utilising our God-given pioneer spirit and creativity to do things in a better way


    We’re mouldable in our thoughts and actions, embracing change, striving for relevance and keeping principles over practice


    As God first invited us, we live lives of active invitation. We invite people to experience all that God has for them, to find their purpose, experience more, to connect and flourish


    APEST (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd and Teacher) is significantly crucial to our development missionally as a church


    As God has given to us, we give more than is necessary or expected of our time, talents and treasure


    We proactively see the image of God in each other. We honour those in position and authority over our lives.


    We commit to do the absolute best with what we have, doing all things in service to God and one another


    We exist and gather as God’s family and not consumers. We embrace and love one another


    We champion the family of God - from the eldest to the youngest, creating atmosphere where everyone is valued


    We keep our hearts fixed on our relationship with Christ and love others as He loves the Church


    We expect to live extraordinary lives by the power of The Holy Spirit


We feel very much called to Kendal and to the people of our town. We are set free as children of God, we are living free by his Grace and seek to bring freedom to those whose are far from God. We're apart of the Free Methodist Church in UK and Worldwide ministering in 80 counties and with a membership of over 2million. Our vision in the UK is to see people Set Free, Living Free and Bringing Freedom.


These are movements that have invested in us and played a significant part of who we are.

Meet the Core Team

  • Rev Jonny Gios


  • Pamela Gios

    Co Church Plant leader

  • Simon Raw


  • Marilyn Grey



In the early stages of our church plant we function with a core team with trustee oversight. However, our leaders are Jonny and Pamela Gios who exist to give lead and guidance to the church. We envisage over time we will add to our core team. Long term we seek to develop a larger leadership team. One of our values is that we seek to embrace APEST from Ephesians 4 and fan into flame everyone's God given gift.